As of a few moments ago, the "Kill Mitt Romney" page has been REMOVED from Facebook! Great job everyone! Thank you. ***END OF UPDATE***
*****UPDATE***** August 27, 2012 3:14PM CST
Now the little FREAK with the name of a serial killer (Joshua Scott Albert) who is responsible for and not shy about taking credit for starting the now defunct "Kill Mitt Romney" Facebook page has created a "Kill Paul Ryan" page. Report this new "Kill Paul Ryan" page to Facebook and report it to the Secret Service via Twitter. ***END OF UPDATE***
*****UPDATE***** August 27, 2012 4:25PM CST
Good grief, I hope this is the final update. The "Kill Paul Ryan" page is GONE. Way to go, everyone! ***END OF UPDATE***
Earlier today I made a blog post about a "Kill Mitt Romney" page that I came across on Facebook.
I encouraged others to report that page to Facebook and of course I also reported the page. During the reporting process I was offered the opportunity to be notified via email from Facebook of any follow-up to my report. I just received an email from Facebook that states (emphasis mine):
Thanks for your recent report of a potential violation on Facebook. After reviewing your report, we were not able to confirm that the specific page you reported violates Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.
Learn more about what we do and don't allow by reviewing the Facebook Community Standards:
Give us feedback to let us know how we are doing:
Here is a screen shot of the above email from "Viki" at Facebook:

I wonder how long a "Kill Barack Obama" page would last on Facebook?
I wonder how long a "Kill Mark Zuckerburg" page would last on Facebook?
A commenter had suggested earlier today to report the "Kill Mitt Romney" page to the Secret Service. If you wish to do so, you can do so HERE via Twitter. Since Facebook doesn't currently seem to have any problems with the "Kill Mitt Romney" page, perhaps they will after the Secret Service talks with them.
The description on the "Kill Mitt Romney" Facebook page clearly states:
This is a page advocating for the murder of Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney
I don't know what part of that is not clear for Facebook. This page is openly advocating for the MURDER of a presidential candidate! And Facebook says it doesn't violate their standards!?!?!
On Facebook's page of "Community Standards" it clearly states:
Safety is Facebook's top priority. You may not credibly threaten to harm others, or organize acts of real-world violence.
Is this a simple understanding or does someone stating that they are "advocating for the murder of Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney" not qualify as a "credible" threat to Mitt Romney and therefore violate Facebook's "standards"?
Again, I wonder how many seconds a "Kill Barack Obama" Facebook page would remain on Facebook?
I gave Facebook my feedback and let them know how they are doing (as they requested in that email above) - I sent this blog post to them.
*****UPDATE*****August 27, 2012 11:20AM CST
There is a new Facebook page entitled "Remove the Kill Mitt Romney Page" - click the link and "Like" this new page on Facebook.
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