Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sarah Palin - FINAL Night Hosting "On Point" - One America News (VIDEO)

Tonight was the final night of Sarah Palin's week-long guest-hosting stint on the One America News (OAN) show "On Point".

As a long-time Sarah Palin supporter, it's been my pleasure welcoming her into my home on a nightly basis. I subscribed to OAN via KlowdTV.

OAN definitely has a new fan in me. I love their format and I hear more news in ONE HOUR on OAN than I did in an entire day of watching FOX News (for comparison). I used to record ALL FOX News shows throughout the day (in case of breaking news - because I'm a breaking news addict) but, since I cancelled my subscription to pay television a few months ago, I've been looking for more online sources of news. I think I've found it with OAN (via KlowdTV).

The links in this post to OAN's website may not work because earlier today, when it was announced that Sarah Palin would be interviewing Donald Trump on "On Point" tonight, OAN's website CRASHED...and, it must have crashed HARD...because at the time of this writing (1 AM CST), it's STILL not working.

All the video from Sarah's final show guest-hosting "On Point" is below.

To find out where you can view One America News, go HERE.

If One America News is not available on your cable or satellite provider CALL THEM and request that it be added to their line-up. Call every day...until they add it. Don't just believe them when they tell you "it's in the works" or that "they are in the process of adding it" (that's what they tell you to stop you from repeatedly calling them). Keep calling them until it's been added! ;)

Show open and segment #1:

Segment #2:

Segment #3:

Segment #4:

Segment #5:

Here's a few specifics from tonight's "Final Thoughts" from Sarah on "On Point" (emphasis mine):
"We want good news to wrap-up a great week. It has been my pleasure guest-hosting on One America News."

"In my book, "Good Tidings & Great Joy", I covered legal cases (that were) brought about to gag and silence and otherwise just drive Christians out of the public square. One ludicrous case was brought about by the American atheists, a group crying that the steel beam cross that was formed from the wreckage of the World Trade Center during the 9/11 attacks, that it shouldn't be allowed in the 9/11 memorial museum."

"The intolerant left sued, claiming the display caused them, quote 'headaches, mental pain' and, get this, 'indigestion'. That was their legal claim. They argued that the whole thing was unconstitutional, too. The lawsuit was dismissed."

"But the leftist ne'er-do-wells they won't stop of course, pressuring, persecuting, filing frivolous lawsuits to try to destroy our One America's foundation. Trying to intimidate you so that you'll sit down and shut up and just swallow some 'fundamental transformation of America'. Who's mamma told them anyway that anyone's got the right to go through life unoffended? Well, buck up, lefties. You don't like intersecting scrap metal beams? Then, look away! Look away!"

"I am happy to tell you that cross now stays at the 9/11 museum. It stands as a symbol of true hope and good change and (as) a fundamental restoration of the greatest nation on earth. So, American atheists, with your owies and your indigestion, instead of a lawsuit, next time try Tums."

Sarah's final "Final Thoughts" on One America News - segment #6:

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